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Study: Why Young Christians Leave the Church

Nearly three out of every five young Christians disconnect from their churches after the age of 15, but why? A new research study released by the Barna Group points to six different reasons as to why young people aren't staying in their pews.

The results of this study come from the interviews of teenagers, young adults, youth pastors, senior pastors and parents that were taken over the course of

Looking After Your Pearly White Teeth

By Gary Sherman

Bad breath results from different causes; determining what caused yours can assist you to find some cure that might be successful for you. Bear in mind that whitening teeth is a process that is continuous simply because the effects of teeth whitening products is short lived- to maintain the result for an extended time, avoid those things that you know will make your teeth

5 Reasons why You Should Give up Smoking, Now!

By Kevin Keith

If you're reading this article it suggests that you have just thought about finishing smoking. The first step in quitting a habit or in changing your life is to take a firm determination or a promise to yourself you're intending to do something. But so as to take this most important step you have to be convinced it's the honest thing to do. If you want some more reasons explaining


A few years ago, university psychologists conducted a research project on gratitude and thanksgiving. They divided participants into three groups. People in the first group practiced daily exercises like writing in a gratitude journal. They reported higher levels of alertness, determination, optimism, energy, and less depression and stress than the control group. Unsurprisingly, they were also a


Rasul Paulus membuat ajakan: “Janganlah kita jemu-jemu berbuat baik, karena apabila sudah datang waktunya, kita akan menuai, jika kita tidak menjadi lemah” (Galatia 6:9).

Janganlah berhenti berdoa. Janganlah ragu. Jangan sedih. Jangan pernah. Karena akan tiba saatnya, menurut waktu Tuhan, engkau akan menuai, apa yang anda tabur akan anda tuai, serahkan kepada Tuhan kasih dan hati dan


"Karena menurut ucapanmu engkau dibenarkan dan menurut ucapanmu engkau akan dihukum." Matius 12:37

Ketika kita menelusuri Alkitab dengan membacanya dari kitab Kejadian-Wahyu maka kita akan menemukan ada ribuan janji Firman Allah yg tertulis. Allah tidak hanya memberikan janji2Nya itu pada kita supaya kita percaya saja, tetapi supaya kita juga memperkatakan janjiNya itu.

Dan melalui ucapan

Belajar Lagi Deh

Pesan Penting dari Tuhan
Hari ini punya rentetan yang bukan kebetulan. Karena tadi pagi dalam doa pagi bersama di gereja, kami mendapat pesan firman Tuhan dalam Yesaya 50: 4-5
4 Tuhan ALLAH telah memberikan kepadaku lidah seorang murid, supaya dengan perkataan aku dapat memberi semangat baru kepada orang yang letih lesu. Setiap pagi Ia mempertajam pendengaranku untuk mendengar seperti seorang

Diligent search for the hidden spiritual treasure

The spirit of fiery very good in a job. But if the spirit was only done at the beginning, then it would be in vain. Persistence is more important to achieve a success. Wealth and success can not be obtained only in a short time. Everything takes time and struggle. This is why patience is very necessary. Sense of saturation must be defeated with the belief that if we work diligently senantias,

Build discipline in seeking God's face

Discipline is absolutely necessary for job success, career, business, or for any activity we do. People who do not discipline or negligent in doing their job will not get maximum results (2 Thessalonians 3:7-8).This is true also when we seek God and to build an intimate communion with Him. The people who discipline in seeking the blessing of God will get much larger than those who neglected to do


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