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Jamaat-e Rabbani, Sidang Jemaat Allah di Iran

Saat ini sedang maraknya isu Israel akan menyerang Iran karena proyek nuklir Iran, dan juga isu hukuman mati pendeta Youcef Nadarkhani oleh pengadilan Islam Iran. Saat sedang mencari informasi mengenai Kekristenan di Iran, saya tertarik dengan sebuah denominasi gereja di Iran yaitu Jama'at-e Rabbani, (Gereja Sidang Jemaat Allah Iran)

Jama'at-e Rabbani merupakan denominasi GSJA (Gereja Sidang

Study: Why Young Christians Leave the Church

Nearly three out of every five young Christians disconnect from their churches after the age of 15, but why? A new research study released by the Barna Group points to six different reasons as to why young people aren't staying in their pews.

The results of this study come from the interviews of teenagers, young adults, youth pastors, senior pastors and parents that were taken over the course of

VIDEO: A touching story of an old father, son and a sparrow

VIDEO "A touching story of an old father, son and a sparrow" tentang seorang ayah yang bertanya kepada anaknya tetapi anaknya menjawab dengan kasar. Lalu ayahnya membacakan pengalaman masa lalu mereka sebagai bapak dan anak, dimana si anak selalu bertanya dengan tidak bosan-bosannya dan ayahnya tetap menjawab anaknya dengan baik. Silahkan ditonton


VIDEO: Father sacrifice his own son

Video ini cocok untuk moments Perayaan Natal, Paskah, dan temanya adalah tentang Pengorbanan, Kasih Allah, Kasih Bapa, Agar Orang Lain Selamat, dll

JUDULNYA: Father sacrifice his own son

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Malam gelap gulita. Di sebuah bar terdengar lagu yang membisingkan telinga dan ada beberapa pertunjukan yang tidak sopan.

Seorang wanita muda dengan lima yang kosong dan kehidupan yang hancur berjalan kian ke mari didalam tempat yang penuh dosa itu. Tiba-tiba ia terhenti seperti tersambar petir.

Pada dinding ia melihat sebuah poster bergambar seorang perempuan tua dan didalamnya ada satu


"Karena menurut ucapanmu engkau dibenarkan dan menurut ucapanmu engkau akan dihukum." Matius 12:37

Ketika kita menelusuri Alkitab dengan membacanya dari kitab Kejadian-Wahyu maka kita akan menemukan ada ribuan janji Firman Allah yg tertulis. Allah tidak hanya memberikan janji2Nya itu pada kita supaya kita percaya saja, tetapi supaya kita juga memperkatakan janjiNya itu.

Dan melalui ucapan


Hari ini saya mendengar khotbah Pdt.Petrus Agung melalui Radio Prestasi FM.Salah satu yang memberkati saya adalah kata "pengakuan" atau Conversation yang dalam bhs. Yunani adalah "Homologos" yang artinya kurang lebih adalah kata-kata seperti apa yang Tuhan katakan. Hm, menarik dan sangat memberkati.

Biarlah dalam segala situasi apapun yang kita alami, kita membuat pengakuan dan perkataan seperti


Oleh: Frank Slazak
Semua dimulai dari impianku. Aku ingin menjadi astronot. Aku ingin terbang ke luar angkasa. Tetapi aku tidak memiliki sesuatu yang tepat. Aku tidak memiliki gelar. Dan aku bukan seorang pilot. Namun, sesuatu pun terjadilah.

Gedung putih mengumumkan mencari warga biasa untuk ikut dalam penerbangan 51-L pesawat ulang-alik Challanger. Dan warga itu adalah seorang guru. Aku


Hebrews 8:10-13, Nehemiah 9:17 b
"For I will be merciful to their mistakes and no longer remember their sins" (Hebrews 8:12).

Have you ever been hurt by parents, brothers, sisters, brothers or others? I believe all have been hurt whether it be by their own families or others. But if you then forgive them, continue to forget? Part of definitely answered, "Yes I forgive him, but ... .... Ahem, if


Therefore he is able also to save to the uttermost those who come unto God by Him. Because he always lives to be their mediator. (Hebrews 7:25)

Hebrew Scripture was first written to the Christians who came from Jewish backgrounds. Therefore, the author uses the framework of Jewish thought to convey his message. We know the Jewish religion or the church lay people can not face God directly in


Suatu hari, saat berada di sebuah bank saya membaca sebuah tulisan di meja petugas customer service: Rule #1: If we don't take care of our customers, someone else will. Tulisan tersebut seakan menjadi pengingat baginya betapa pentingnya melayani nasabah.

Tanyakan kepada banyak perusahaan besar, apa kunci prestasi mereka sehingga perusahaan mereka bisa bertahan di tengah maraknya persaingan


Beberapa tahun yang lalu, pada malam hujan badai, seorang laki-laki tua dan istrinya masuk ke sebuah lobby hotel kecil di Philadelphia. Mencoba menghindari hujan, pasangan ini mendekati meja resepsionis untuk mendapatkan tempat bermalam.

"Dapatkan anda memberi kami sebuah kamar disini ?" tanya sang suami. Sang pelayan, seorang laki-laki ramah dengan tersenyum memandang kepada pasangan itu dan

Let Grateful

Lately we hear a lot of news relating to abortion. Various media reported abortion practices that occurred in various places. Not only in Indonesia, the world-even the practice of abortion increasingly become.And life is a work of extraordinary God in this world. And life is taking shape since the fetus will begin in the womb.It is unfortunate that so if we, God also allowed to enjoy life, even

The steps of faith

Beloved brother in the Lord Jesus, did you ever see the abyss? Although we have never signed or were in a ravine, but we can know that the abyss is a place that uncomfortable. In the gulf there is less light, maybe even dark, nothing whatever could be done there, the gap can be so profound, so that people who are not able to get out in it with his own business, because there was no equipment

Getting Help From the Lord

"I cast my eyes to the mountains whence will come my help? My help is from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. "Psalm 121:1-2Human life is full of many problems. Problems can come and go regardless of social status. Danger is always threatened our lives. Therefore a lot of people who always seek protection for their lives. They tried to keep them alive can always be safe and apart from any

Faithful Friend

"I did not call you servants anymore, because I do not know, what was done by the master, but I call you friends, because I had told you everything I have heard from My Father." John 15:15 Human life can not be separated from social interaction. Every person must have a close friend or a so-called friends. Closest friend is a person in our lives. They are always entertaining, listening,

3 Keys to Get Power In The difficult

"Though the fig tree is not flowering, vine does not bear fruit, olive trees disappointing results, even if the fields do not produce food, sheep driven from captivity, and no cattle in a pen, but I will rejoice in the LORD, joy in the God who saved me. GOD my Lord my strength: He makes my feet like deer's feet, he let me set foot on the hill-bukitku. "Habakkuk 3:17-19 Habakkuk lived during the

Diligent search for the hidden spiritual treasure

The spirit of fiery very good in a job. But if the spirit was only done at the beginning, then it would be in vain. Persistence is more important to achieve a success. Wealth and success can not be obtained only in a short time. Everything takes time and struggle. This is why patience is very necessary. Sense of saturation must be defeated with the belief that if we work diligently senantias,

Build discipline in seeking God's face

Discipline is absolutely necessary for job success, career, business, or for any activity we do. People who do not discipline or negligent in doing their job will not get maximum results (2 Thessalonians 3:7-8).This is true also when we seek God and to build an intimate communion with Him. The people who discipline in seeking the blessing of God will get much larger than those who neglected to do

Seeking God we must do every day

When we work for money, we work every day. There is work 5 days in 1 week, there are 6 days in 1 week, and some have worked 7 days in 1 week. One day, we're not working, then it will reduce the income or salary we will get in the end.So it is with spiritual activities, seeking God we must do every day. When we spend only one day, then we will lose precious moments that will determine the outcome


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